Tracking Reads

When Pinterest arrived, I had to use it to figure out applications for clients in digital marketing. For myself, i couldn’t see much use. It’s a lot of busy work - activities that lead nowhere. It reminded me of a much prettier version of early Netscape days, carefully curating and organizing bookmarks in a pre-Google era because to close a window was to forever lose that one Geocities page that you really needed.

I did use it to track what I was reading. That seemed like an application that was interesting. I did this from 2014-2017 and then stopped.

Reads, 2014-2017

My problem, at least, I see it as a problem, is I have a hard time remembering when I read the things I read…from what I can best recall, since then, I have read the following…

Reads I can recall, 2018-2022

This is a mixture of my own selections and reading to my children…I am pretty sure there’s a bunch of business and non-fiction missing, but this is my best recollection.

I tend to experience inertia as I switch books. I find it difficult to emerge from a great read and just jump into the next one, but if I don’t, I tend to stop reading for a while and analysis paralysis sets in and I can’t decide what’s next, which is why I adopted a reading system. I have recently amended it to include genres I don’t normally seek out, like mystery, crime, romance, you name it. So, here’s the new roster:

Genre fiction, something really tasty (horror, sci-fi)
More literary fiction
Business / brain improvement / instructional
Different Genre
Graphic novels (I’d like to return to reading more of these)

These are my ramblings on reading as I seek to once again keep track of the words that traverse the space between these ears.