ChatGPT & The End of the World


Write a chapter of the bible in the style of the King James version in which the four horsemen of the apocalypse choose not to destroy the world and reject both God and Satan.


Verily, verily, I say unto thee, on a certain day the four horsemen of the apocalypse rode forth, each one with a mission of destruction and desolation. But lo, they didst look upon the world and saw the suffering of mankind, and their hearts were moved with compassion.

And they spake among themselves, saying: "Why must we do the bidding of God or Satan? Why must we bring forth death and torment upon the earth?"

And the first horseman said: "I will not be the bringer of war and bloodshed. I will use my sword to defend the weak and protect the innocent."

And the second horseman said: "I will not spread famine and hunger. I will use my scales to measure out abundant crops and bountiful harvests for all."

And the third horseman said: "I will not unleash pestilence and disease. I will use my pestle to mix healing herbs and cure the sick."

And the fourth horseman said: "I will not cause death and destruction. I will use my pale horse to carry the souls of the righteous to their reward in heaven."

And the four horsemen didst reject both God and Satan, saying: "We are not servants of either deity, but servants of mankind. We will not bring ruin upon the earth, but instead bring peace, prosperity, health, and salvation."

And the world didst rejoice, for the horsemen had chosen to be instruments of good and not of evil. And all mankind didst live in peace and happiness, knowing that the four horsemen had chosen to be their protectors and benefactors.

And thus it came to pass that the four horsemen of the apocalypse became symbols of hope and redemption, and were remembered for their mercy and kindness throughout the ages. Amen.