AI-powered facial recognition will soon track us while we shop

As I am ramping up content to post here, I offer an article I wrote for Venture Beat. The assignment came from my then CEO at ICF Olson (later to be rebranded as ICF Next) after the Apple Event with Face Emojis. I no longer have the original draft but I recall it being funnier than the final published version.

You’re at an electronics store. You check out a few TVs and head home after being scanned by store cameras. This data is then cross-referenced with other databases that already contain your facial data. Your face is now the epicenter of a retargeting campaign. For instance, your camera-equipped smart TV, which already recognizes your face, could now serve you commercials for the new TV you were considering, among other products you were captured perusing using the same service at other stores. Or, consider this: If the TV is a brand different from your current TV, maybe you never see that ad for the other TV, or any other TV brands ever again. You don’t need to sign up or consent, you just need to have a face and be as indifferent as we all are on terms of use.

read the full piece here: